New York Chapter/Session Laws
The Consolidated Laws of New York
Bloomberg Law - New York Legislative Materials
Bloomberg provides access to a variety of different New York legislative materials. Their version of the code is unannotated.
From the main Start page, in the "Getting Started" box, click on the link for "State Law" resources. From there, click on New York State on the map. At the "New York" page, click on the link for "N.Y. Legislative."
From there, you can access the New York Consolidated Laws, as well as many other links to New York legislative materials. When using the New York Consolidated Laws, you can either click the link to the topic in the Code in which you wish to search, or search by keyword.
Other State Laws
If you're looking for the text of a State's current laws, you can often find links to free digital versions at the State's official website.
Other Annotated Codes
Annotated Codes for all fifty states can be found on both Lexis and Westlaw, but you need a subscription.
Hein Online
Hein Online has three different databases that might be helpful in your statutory research. You must have a subscription to use these databases.