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Library Orientation Guide - Flex Manhattan

Guide for FlexJD Students at Cross River Campus

Online Study Aid Subscriptions

Online Study Aid Subscriptions

The library has two online study aids subscriptions: West Academic and Aspen Learning Library. Many of the study aids include practice multiple choice and essay questions. You can view the study aids in your browser or on an eReader. Creating a personal account (using your Touro email), will allow you to highlight, takes notes and add bookmarks. Limited printing is also available. Remember, if you are not on campus, you will have to be logged into TouroOne. To access these study aids:

  • Go to the library homepage
  • Click "Online Resources"
  • Under Popular Study Aids, choose either “West Academic” or "Aspen Learning Library" 

West Academic Study Aids

West Academic Logo


West Academic Study Aids

This library provides online access to the study aids available from West Academic, including the following series: Acing; Exam Pro; High Court Summaries; Short & Happy Guides; Nutshells; Black Letter Law Outlines; Concise Hornbook & Gilberts; as well as audio lecture series: Law School Legends & Sum and Substance.

Wolters Kluwer Study Aids


Aspen Study Aids

The library provides online access to the study aids available from Aspen Learning Library, including the following series: Examples & Explanations, Glannon Guides, Strategies & Tactics, Emanuel Law Outlines, and Case Notes. In addition, the subscription includes extensive audio and video coverage of all law school subjects.