American Law Reports
The American Law Reports or A.L.R. offers in-depth analysis of specific legal issues. Each entry contains a detailed analysis of the issue along with a comprehensive list of related cases. Additionally, each entry contains links to other helpful entries within the A.L.R. or to other legal encyclopedias such as AMJUR. It is a great place to begin research and an excellent source for finding materials in other jurisdictions. There are six series of the A.L.R and two series of the A.L.R. Fed. Each is available both as a physical copy as well as an online resource through Westlaw and Lexis.
What does it offer?
Using the Index
For all online series:
The updated and complete A.L.R. index is available digitally via Westlaw.
For all print series:
Use the A.L.R. Index Complete Series (KF132.6 A46) but be aware that the index only covers A.L.R 6th up to volume 31 and A.L.R. Fed 2d up to volume 30. It is a multivolume hardcover descriptive word index.
For A.L.R. 3d through A.L.R. 6th, you should use the A.L.R. Quick Index (red) located at KF132.6 A45.
For A.L.R. Fed and A.L.R. Fed 2d, you should use the A.L.R. Federal Quick Index located at KF132 .A725.
Make sure you check the pocket part of the index for the most up to date information.
Location: 1st Floor in Library
A.L.R. | KF132 .A5 |
A.L.R. 2d |
KF132 .A52 |
A.L.R. 3d | KF132 .A53 |
A.L.R. 4th | KF132 .A54 |
A.L.R. 5th | KF132 .A55 |
A.L.R. 6th | KF132 .A56 |
A.L.R. Fed | KF132 .A7 |
A.L.R. Fed 2d | KF132 .A72 |
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